Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions govern the contractual relationship between Upopyand any individual booking a mentoring session through the website or the cal.com platform.
1. Service Description
The service consists of mentoring sessions conducted via video call. Each session lasts between 15 minutes and 1 hour, depending on the option selected by the customer, with 30 minutes being the most common duration.
2. Pricing
The price of each session is displayed at the time of booking on the cal.com platform. Prices are in euros (€) and include VAT where applicable. The customer acknowledges being informed of the price before confirming their booking.
3. Payment
Payment is made online via Stripe using a credit card. A booking is confirmed only after payment has been successfully processed.
4. Cancellation and Refunds
Mentoring sessions are non-cancellable and non-refundable once the booking is completed and the payment is confirmed. The customer acknowledges acceptance of this policy before proceeding with the booking.
5. Service Delivery
The mentoring session is delivered on the date and time chosen by the customer during the booking process on cal.com. If the customer is absent or late, the session duration may be shortened or canceled without the right to a refund.
6. Right of Withdrawal
In accordance with Article L221-18 of the French Consumer Code, the customer has a right of withdrawal of 14 days from the booking date, provided the mentoring session has not yet been delivered. To exercise this right, the customer must send a written request to contact@upopy.com.
7. Liability
Upopy is committed to providing the mentoring service under the best possible conditions. However, it cannot be held liable for service interruptions due to technical issues, outages, or unavailability of the video conferencing platform.
8. Governing Law
These terms and conditions are governed by French law. Any disputes relating to their interpretation or execution will be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent courts where Upopy is registered.
10. Contact
For any questions regarding these terms and conditions or the mentoring service, please contact me: https://x.com/Pauline_Cx